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Deputy Chief Physician Huang Dongya of Pancreatic Center won the second prize of the 4th Jiangsu Province College Young Teachers Teaching Competition

Published on:2022-09-02   Views:13940
From August 22 to 25, 2022, the 4th Jiangsu Province College Young Teachers Teaching Competition and the 6th National College Young Teachers Teaching Competition Selection Competition were held in Nanjing. The young teacher of the Pancreas Center, Huang Dongya, deputy chief physician, won the second prize in the medical group.
This competition is the first-level competition project of the leading competition in the province. It is sponsored by the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League. "A good course" is the competition concept. The competition process consists of four major links: the basic knowledge test of course ideological and political construction, teaching design, classroom teaching, and teaching reflection. There are five special groups: liberal arts, science, engineering, medicine, and ideological and political courses. , a total of 168 contestants from 12 districts and cities and 55 colleges and universities in the province participated.

With the high attention and full support of the leaders of schools, colleges and departments, in addition to the heavy medical work, Mr. Huang Dongya completed the competition of 20 teaching sections of the ninth edition of "Surgery" in more than one month. Production and revision of slides and lesson plans. As one of the very few clinical front-line doctors who participated in the competition, after fierce competition, Mr. Huang Dongya was fully recognized by the judges for his excellent teaching ability, and won the second prize in the medical category, showing the unique style of the young teachers of the Pancreas Center. It is of great significance to encourage young doctors to improve their enthusiasm and creativity in teaching.

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