Miao Yi is a chief physician, professor and PHD supervisor. He obtained a doctoral degree of KU LEUVEN. Prof. Miao is the Director of Pancreas Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, the Director of the Pancreas Research Institute of Nanjing Medical University, and the Director of the Surgery Department of the First Clinical Medical College of Nanjing Medical University. He has been dedicated to the clinical, teaching and scientific research work of Pancreas Surgery Department for more than 30 years.
He also works as the Member of Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, the Deputy Chief of Pancreas Surgery Group of Chinese Medical Association, the Vice Chairman of the Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Surgery Specialty Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Association, the Standing Committee Member of Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Chairman of Pancreatic Disease Society of Jiangsu Province Medical Association, the Fellow of American College of Surgeons (FACS), and the Executive Committee Member and Fellow (Honorary) of International College of Surgeons (ICS). In the meantime, he also serves as the editorial board member of Langenbeck’s ARCHIVES OF SURGERY, the referee of Chinese Medical Journal of English Version, the associate editor of Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the associate editor of Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery, the editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Surgery, and the standing committee member of Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery.
As the chief academic leader of Surgery of Jiangsu Province Key Discipline, Prof. Miao successively published 69 SCI papers whose total citation index is greater than 1,000. He also wrote one English monograph and 2 Chinese monographs, and participated in the compilation of multiple books. He has also undertaken over 10 scientific research programs, including one support program for the Eleventh Five Year Plan of Ministry of Science and Technology and three National Natural Science Foundations of China.
He has won the "Chinese Physician Award" of Ministry of Health in 2005, the "National Health System Advanced Worker" of Ministry of Personnel in 2007, the special allowances of Youth and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions and the State Council in 2008, the "Top Ten Models of Medical Ethics" of Jiangsu Province in 2009, and the title of "Advanced Individual Contributing to the Building of a Well-off Society in an All-round Way.
1. Zhu Y, Zhang JJ, Liang WB, et al. Pancreaticcancer counterattack: MUC4 mediates Fas-independent apoptosis ofantigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte. Oncology reports 2014; 31(4): 1768-76.
2. Zhu X, Cao H, Ma Y, et al. Totallyextraperitoneal laparoscopic hernioplasty versus open extraperitoneal approachfor inguinal hernia repair: a meta-analysis of outcomes of our currentknowledge. The surgeon : journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburghand Ireland 2014; 12(2): 94-105.
3. Zhang JJ, Zhu Y, Xie KL, et al. Yin Yang-1suppresses invasion and metastasis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma bydownregulating MMP10 in a MUC4/ErbB2/p38/MEF2C-dependent mechanism. Molecularcancer 2014; 13: 130.
4. Xu L, Li Q, Xu D, et al. hsa-miR-141downregulates TM4SF1 to inhibit pancreatic cancer cell invasion and migration.International journal of oncology 2014; 44(2): 459-66.
5. Tu M, Liu X, Han B, et al. Vasohibin2promotes proliferation in human breast cancer cells via upregulation offibroblast growth factor2 and growth/differentiation factor15 expression.Molecular medicine reports 2014; 10(2): 663-9.
6. Tang D, Zhang J, Yuan Z, et al. Pancreaticsatellite cells derived galectin-1 increase the progression and less survivalof pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. PloS one 2014; 9(3): e90476.
7. Peng YP, Zhang JJ, Liang WB, et al.Elevation of MMP-9 and IDO induced by pancreatic cancer cells mediates naturalkiller cell dysfunction. BMC cancer 2014; 14: 738.
8. Liang H, Liu Y, Miao Y, Wu H, Yang S, GuanW. The effect of socioeconomic and individual factors on acceptance levels ofbariatric surgery among Chinese patients. Surgery for obesity and relateddiseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery 2014;10(2): 361-5.
9. Li Z, Tu M, Han B, et al. Vasohibin 2decreases the cisplatin sensitivity of hepatocarcinoma cell line bydownregulating p53. PloS one 2014; 9(3): e90358.
10. Cao HY, Yuan AH, Shi XS, Chen W, Miao Y.Evolution of a gastric carcinoma cell-specific DNA aptamer by live cell-SELEX.Oncology reports 2014; 32(5): 2054-60.
11. Cao HY, Yuan AH, Chen W, Shi XS, Miao Y. A DNAaptamer with high affinity and specificity for molecular recognition andtargeting therapy of gastric cancer. BMC cancer 2014; 14: 699.
12. Zhang JJ, Zhu Y, Zhang XF, et al.Transcriptional regulation of human MUC4 gene: identification of a novelinhibitory element and its nuclear binding protein. Molecular biology reports2013; 40(8): 4913-20.
13. Wu PF, Lu ZP, Cai BB, et al. Role ofCXCL12/CXCR4 signaling axis in pancreatic cancer. Chinese medical journal 2013;126(17): 3371-4.
14. Tang D, Wang D, Yuan Z, et al. Persistentactivation of pancreatic stellate cells creates a microenvironment favorablefor the malignant behavior of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Internationaljournal of cancer Journal international du cancer 2013; 132(5): 993-1003.
15. Sun J, Tu M, Han B, et al. Generation andcharacterization of rabbit polyclonal antibodies against Vasohibin-2 fordetermination of its intracellular localization. International journal ofoncology 2013; 43(1): 255-61.
16. Peng YP, Zhu Y, Zhang JJ, et al. Comprehensiveanalysis of the percentage of surface receptors and cytotoxic granules positivenatural killer cells in patients with pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, andcolorectal cancer. Journal of translational medicine 2013; 11: 262.
17. Fu S, Dong L, Sun W, Xu Y, Gao L, Miao Y.Stromal-epithelial crosstalk provides a suitable microenvironment for theprogression of ovarian cancer cells in vitro. Cancer investigation 2013; 31(9):616-24.
18. Chen J, Li Q, An Y, et al. CEACAM6 inducesepithelial-mesenchymal transition and mediates invasion and metastasis inpancreatic cancer. International journal of oncology 2013; 43(3): 877-85.
19. Cai B, An Y, Lv N, et al. miRNA-181b increasesthe sensitivity of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells to gemcitabine invitro and in nude mice by targeting BCL-2. Oncology reports 2013; 29(5):1769-76.
20. An Y, Cai B, Chen J, et al. MAP3K10 promotesthe proliferation and decreases the sensitivity of pancreatic cancer cells togemcitabine by upregulating Gli-1 and Gli-2. Cancer letters 2013; 329(2):228-35.
21. Zhang Y, Wei J, Wang H, et al. Epithelial mesenchymaltransition correlates with CD24+CD44+ and CD133+ cells in pancreatic cancer.Oncology reports 2012; 27(5): 1599-605.
22. Zhang JJ, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, et al. Association ofincreased DNA methyltransferase expression with carcinogenesis and poor prognosisin pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Clinical & translational oncology :official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of theNational Cancer Institute of Mexico 2012; 14(2): 116-24.
23. Xu G, Qi FZ, Zhang JH, Cheng GF, Cai Y, MiaoY. Meta-analysis of surgical resection and radiofrequency ablation for earlyhepatocellular carcinoma. World journal of surgical oncology 2012; 10: 163.
24. Wang H, Wu J, Zhang Y, et al. Transforminggrowth factor beta-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition increases cancerstem-like cells in the PANC-1 cell line. Oncology letters 2012; 3(1): 229-33.
25. Tang D, Yuan Z, Xue X, et al. High expressionof Galectin-1 in pancreatic stellate cells plays a role in the development andmaintenance of an immunosuppressive microenvironment in pancreatic cancer.International journal of cancer Journal international du cancer 2012; 130(10):2337-48.
26. Chen M, Xue X, Wang F, et al. Expression andpromoter methylation analysis of ATP-binding cassette genes in pancreaticcancer. Oncology reports 2012; 27(1): 265-9.
27. Zhu Y, Zhang JJ, Zhu R, et al. The increase inthe expression and hypomethylation of MUC4 gene with the progression ofpancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Medical oncology 2011; 28 Suppl 1: S175-84.
28. Yao J, An Y, Wie JS, et al. Cyclopaminereverts acquired chemoresistance and down-regulates cancer stem cell markers inpancreatic cancer cell lines. Swiss medical weekly 2011; 141: w13208.
29. Xue X, Lu Z, Tang D, et al. Galectin-1secreted by activated stellate cells in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma stromapromotes proliferation and invasion of pancreatic cancer cells: an in vitrostudy on the microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Pancreas2011; 40(6): 832-9.
30. Shi D, Chen G, Lv L, et al. The effect oflentivirus-mediated TH and GDNF genetic engineering mesenchymal stem cells onParkinson's disease rat model. Neurological sciences : official journal of theItalian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology2011; 32(1): 41-51.
31. Li W, Chen Z, Zong Y, et al. PP2A inhibitorsinduce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell line PANC-1 through persistentphosphorylation of IKKalpha and sustained activation of the NF-kappaB pathway.Cancer letters 2011; 304(2): 117-27.
32. Li W, Chen Z, Gong FR, et al. Growth of thepancreatic cancer cell line PANC-1 is inhibited by protein phosphatase 2Ainhibitors through overactivation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway.European journal of cancer 2011; 47(17): 2654-64.
33. Cai HH, Sun YM, Miao Y, et al. Aberrantmethylation frequency of TNFRSF10C promoter in pancreatic cancer cell lines.Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT 2011; 10(1):95-100.
34. Zhang J, Zhang X, Zhu Y, Chen Z, Xu Z, Miao Y.Transcriptional regulation of human mucin gene MUC4 in pancreatic cancer cells.Molecular biology reports 2010; 37(6): 2797-802.
35. Yao J, Cai HH, Wei JS, et al. Side populationin the pancreatic cancer cell lines SW1990 and CFPAC-1 is enriched with cancerstem-like cells. Oncology reports 2010; 23(5): 1375-82.
36. Xu S, Zhang C, Miao Y, Gao J, Xu D. Effectorprediction in host-pathogen interaction based on a Markov model of a ubiquitousEPIYA motif. BMC genomics 2010; 11 Suppl 3: S1.
37. Wang F, Xue X, Wei J, et al. hsa-miR-520hdownregulates ABCG2 in pancreatic cancer cells to inhibit migration, invasion,and side populations. British journal of cancer 2010; 103(4): 567-74.
38. Sun YM, Cai HH, Bai JF, Zhao HL, Fu Z, Miao Y.Totally laparoscopic Roux-en-Y cystojejunostomy as a sole treatment option forpancreatic pseudocysts: a report of four cases. Chinese medical journal 2010;123(15): 2142-4.
39. Qian ZY, Peng Q, Zhang ZW, Zhou LA, Miao Y.Roles of Smad3 and Smad7 in rat pancreatic stellate cells activated bytransforming growth factor-beta 1. Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseasesinternational : HBPD INT 2010; 9(5): 531-6.
40. Li W, Xie L, Chen Z, et al. Cantharidin, apotent and selective PP2A inhibitor, induces an oxidative stress-independentgrowth inhibition of pancreatic cancer cells through G2/M cell-cycle arrest andapoptosis. Cancer science 2010; 101(5): 1226-33.
41. Zhu Z, Gao W, Qian Z, Miao Y. Geneticvariation of miRNA sequence in pancreatic cancer. Acta biochimica et biophysicaSinica 2009; 41(5): 407-13.
42. Wu J, Wei J, Meng K, et al. Identification ofan HLA-A*0201-restrictive CTL epitope from MUC4 for applicable vaccine therapy.Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology 2009; 31(3): 468-76.
43. Tu M, Xu L, Wei X, Miao Y. How to establish asolitary and localized VX2 lung cancer rabbit model? A simple and effectiveintrapulmonary tumor implantation technique. The Journal of surgical research2009; 154(2): 284-92.
44. Sun Y, Cai H, Bai J, Zhao H, Miao Y.Endoscopic total parathyroidectomy and partial parathyroid tissueautotransplantation for patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism: a newsurgical approach. World journal of surgery 2009; 33(8): 1674-9.
45. Yu C, Zhang X, Sun G, et al. RNAinterference-mediated silencing of the polo-like kinase 1 gene enhanceschemosensitivity to gemcitabine in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. Journal ofcellular and molecular medicine 2008; 12(6A): 2334-49.
46. Wei J, Gao W, Wu J, et al. Dendritic cellsexpressing a combined PADRE/MUC4-derived polyepitope DNA vaccine inducemultiple cytotoxic T-cell responses. Cancer biotherapy &radiopharmaceuticals 2008; 23(1): 121-8.
47. Hu W, Li L, Shi D, et al. Radiofrequencythermocoagulation-assisted surgery for intracranial giant vasogenic tumors.Surgical neurology 2008; 70(6): 570-4; discussion 4-5.
48. Cai HH, Sun YM, Bai JF, Shi Y, Zhao HL, MiaoY. Relationship between the GH-IGFs axis and the proliferation of bile ductcancer cell line QBC939 in vitro. Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseasesinternational : HBPD INT 2008; 7(1): 76-81.
49. Sun ZL, Zhu Y, Wang FQ, et al. Serumproteomic-based analysis of pancreatic carcinoma for the identification ofpotential cancer biomarkers. Biochimica et biophysica acta 2007; 1774(6):764-71.
50. Chu CS, Xue B, Tu C, et al. NRAGE suppressesmetastasis of melanoma and pancreatic cancer in vitro and in vivo. Cancerletters 2007; 250(2): 268-75.
51. Zhu J, Xu ZK, Miao Y, Liu XL, Zhang H. Changesof inducible protein-10 and regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressedand secreted protein in acute rejection of pancreas transplantation in rats.World journal of gastroenterology : WJG 2006; 12(26): 4156-60.
52. Wang DR, Chen GY, Liu XL, et al. CD44v6 inperipheral blood and bone marrow of patients with gastric cancer asmicro-metastasis. World journal of gastroenterology : WJG 2006; 12(1): 36-42.
53. Mulier S, Miao Y, Mulier P, et al. Electrodesand multiple electrode systems for radiofrequency ablation: a proposal forupdated terminology. European radiology 2005; 15(4): 798-808.
54. Xu ZK, Zhang W, Liu XL, Liu CM, Miao Y, Wu ZY.Early rejection and pathological changes in combined pancreaticoduodenal andkidney allotransplantation in pigs. Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseasesinternational : HBPD INT 2002; 1(4): 495-8.
55. Ni Y, Cresens E, Adriaens P, et al.Necrosis-avid contrast agents: introducing nonporphyrin species. Academicradiology 2002; 9 Suppl 1: S98-101.
56. Dymarkowski S, Ni Y, Miao Y, et al. Value oft2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging early after myocardial infarction indogs: comparison with bis-gadolinium-mesoporphyrin enhanced T1-weightedmagnetic resonance imaging and functional data from cine magnetic resonanceimaging. Investigative radiology 2002; 37(2): 77-85.
57. Liu XL, Dai CC, Miao Y, Du JH, Zhang ZS, ChenSZ. Detection of k-ras gene point mutation in fine needle aspiration andpancreatic juice by sequence special primer method and its clinicalsignificance. World journal of gastroenterology : WJG 2000; 6(6): 917-9.
58. Xu ZK, Liu XL, Zhang W, Miao Y, Du JH.Establishment of a pig model of combined pancreas-kidney transplantation. Worldjournal of gastroenterology : WJG 1999; 5(2): 172-4.