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Center Profile
The Pancreas Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University is now the National Key Clinical Departments, Key Discipline in the 10th and 11th five-year plan of China (in Jiangsu Province) and a Key Discipline of Jiangsu Province Health Care Improving Project.

The Center was formerly known as the Pancreas Faculty of General Surgery Department firstly established in 1986 in China. After thirty years of hard work of founding professors like Yunping Ma, Jinghui Du and Xunliang Liu, it gradually grew into a domestically and internationally influential pancreas surgery team. In 2014, Prof. Yi Miao, the current Director of the Center, integrated the qualified resources of the Hospital and established a comprehensive multidisciplinary center for the diagnosis and treatment of pancreas functions and diseases.

Historical evolution from left to right: Prof. Ma Yunping, Prof. Du Jinghui, Prof. Liu Xunliang and Prof. Miao Yi, the Unveiling Ceremony of the Pancreas Center

    The Pancreas Center updates the traditional medical mode, and breaks the diagnosis and treatment barrier between different departments for the same disease. Through reasonable allocation of outstanding talents from Pancreas Surgery, Intensive Care Unit, Digestive Endoscopy, Oncology, Radiology, Pathology and other fields, the pancreatic patients will enjoy real-time MDT services; in the meantime, our Center can provide one-stop diagnosis and treatment services including surgery, endoscopy, intervention and medicine, create a new disease-centered diagnosis and treatment mode, and avoid the waste of time and money caused by repeated consultations between different departments.


The Director Prof. Yi Miao, FACS, FRCS, FICS (Hon), is now the Dean of Surgery Faculty of the First Clinical Medical College of Nanjing Medical University, a committee member of Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, the deputy chief of Pancreas Surgery Group of Chinese Medical Association. Prof. Miao serves as an editorial board member of Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, the referee of Chinese Medical Journal, an associate chief editor of Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery, an associate chief editor of Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery, an editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Surgery, and a standing committee member of Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery, who owns one U.S. invention patent, two Chinese invention patents and six utility model patents.

    The members of Pancreas Center come from the Pancreas Surgery Department, Endoscopy Center, Digestive System Department, Intensive Care Unit, Oncology Department, Imaging Department, Pathology Department and other related departments, and constitute a multidisciplinary team engaging in the prevention, clinical diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment and follow-up of high-risk groups of pancreatic diseases.
------Prof. Jiang Kuirong, the Deputy Director of the Center, is also the Deputy Director of the General Surgery Department of our Hospital, the youth committee member of the Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, the committee member of the Surgical Group of Chinese Medical Association and the Deputy Chief of Pancreas Surgery Group of Jiangsu Province Medical Association;
------Prof. Fan Zhining, the Deputy Director of the Center, is now the Deputy Chief of the Digestive Endoscopic Surgery Group of Chinese Medical Association, the Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Society of Pancreatic Diseases, and the Group Leader of the ERCP Group of Jiangsu Province Digestive Endoscopy Society;
------Prof. Zhang Guoxin, the Deputy Director of the Center, is the committee member of Helicobacter Pylori Group of Digestion Branch of Chinese Medical Association and the standing committee member of the Digestion Branch of Jiangsu Province Medical Association;

    In addition, several experts of related fields including oncology department, imaging department and pathology department also participate in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases in our Center, which guarantees the realization of disease-centered diagnosis and treatment mode, improves the quality and efficiency of disease diagnosis and treatment, provides the most reasonable diagnosis and treatment measures for patients, greatly simplifies the diagnosis and treatment processes and reduces the medical costs for patients. 

    The Pancreas Center now has 59 beds, including 8 ICU beds, and undertakes the diagnosis and treatment work of all pancreatic tumors, acute and chronic pancreatitis cases in the Hospital. In 2015, the Pancreas Center provided outpatient consultations for 3,852 pancreatic patients from all over the country, got 1,536 of them hospitalized and conducted a total of 550 pancreatic surgeries, ranking Top Three in China. Among them, there were 277 pancreaticoduodenectomies, 118 distal pancreatectomies, and 23 middle segment pancreatectomies; through decades of development, our Center has formed a set of unique diagnosis and treatment technologies recognized domestically and internationally.
------Trans-duodenum pancreas head mass core biopsy
------ Modified one-layer duct-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy  
------Therapeutic Pancreatectomies with Artery-First Approach
------Therapeutic Pancreatectomies with Artery-First Approach
------Minimally Invasive Surgery of Acute Pancreatitis
------Pancreatectomy or Drainage of Chronic Pancreatitis
    Pancreatic operations involve high degree of technology access, operation difficulty and postoperative risk. Relying on excellent surgical techniques and sound postoperative management and excellent execution, our Center took the lead in promoting the postoperative ERAS in China, formulated the Expert Consensus on ERAS after Pancreatoduodenectomy, participated in the Expert Consensus on ERAS after Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, significantly improving the rehabilitation quality of pancreatic patients after the surgery, shortening the postoperative rehabilitation time and reducing the medical costs for the patients.

    Our Center also takes active part in various domestic and international academic activities. Prof. Yi Miao delivered over 100 lectures on various international and national conferences. In recent years, our Center has hosted a total of 30 pancreas surgery training programs, including “Training Program of New Technologies and New Progresses of Pancreatic Surgery" and "Surgical Treatment Progress Training Program of Pancreatic Tumors". In the meantime, the Center members have been invited to nearly all provinces in China to promote relevant technologies and drive the development of the pancreatic disease diagnosis and treatment technologies in related regions.

    Adhering to the patient-first principle, the Pancreas Center has focused on the pancreatic disease-related scientific research work for nearly 30 years. We have acquired 19 National Natural Science Foundations of China (NSFC) (including 4 Youth Foundations), participated in one support program of Ministry of Science and Technology completed by top ten pancreas specialty departments, one foundation program of the translational medicine industry of the Ministry of Health, as well as multiple provincial foundation programs, which totaled more than 30 millions of funds. Our Center members have published 83 SCI articles and serve as the first author and corresponding author of 63 of them. A lot of papers are published on internationally renowned journals like Oncogene, International Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Cancer and Pancreas. Our team has also won awards as follows:
2 First-Prizes of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Progress Award,;
1 Second-Prize of Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award;
1 Second-Prize and 1 Third-Prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award;
1 First-Prize of Jiangsu Province Medical Science and Technology;
1 First-Prize of Jiangsu Province Health Department New Technology Introduction Award.
    We will uphold the patient-centered philosophy and provide internationally leading comprehensive medical services for patients of pancreatic diseases with evidence-based medical treatment mode as the norm, the optimization of clinical services as the orientation, and the original research as the source power.